Group 1 | Mind the Body, Embody the Mind
Mind the Body, Embody the Mind Alutaya, Ang, Colacion, Colon, De la Paz, Dolar, Elias, Hilario, Lubrico The mind manifests connection with the physical body has been proven by science and pseudoscience for ages. Empirical studies have introduced the concepts of hormonal processes, hypnosis, placebo, and many more, which revealed the complex ways our brains interact with our bodies and vice versa. This explains the principles of the mind-body connection as anchored in mind-body techniques. Within our group, we enumerated five examples of the technique, namely: yoga, concentration meditation, art therapy, music therapy, and aromatherapy. 1. Yoga Danielle and Renz reported that they did yoga to improve their range of motion for dancing and flexibility for swimming. "Although my purpose was to improve my motion range for dancing, yoga helped me be aware of what my body needs" - Danielle image source: browngirl...